Canada Crypto Exchanges Rush as CIRO Membership Deadline Nears 1 miesiąc temu

Canada’s regulators have provided the CTPs with a deadline to complete their applications for Investment Dealer status and membership with Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO).
This push comes at the end of the previously allowed transitional period when Canadian crypto trading platforms (CTPs) are expected to meet established financial regulatory standards.
Deadline Approaches for Canada Crypto Exchanges
With the CIRO membership deadline fast approaching Canadian CTPs are rushing to ensure that their business practices meet with the necessary legal standards. The CSA and CIRO have recently sent out reminders to these platforms noting the need to move from being restricted dealers to fully recognized investment dealers.
This is of paramount importance for CTPs as they will preserve their legal status in the context of the financial market of Canada.
In a staff notice that was released in march 2021, it was made known that CTPs were given a temporary period of time wit

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